Fuerte Bulnes (Fort Bulnes) is a National Historical Monument located 60 kms south of Punta Arenas, built around a fort founded in 1845 by the Chilean government as a way of securing Magellan’s Strait to Chile’s territory. In 2014, the management of the park decided that it was time to renovate this attraction. The new Visitors Centre was built and local artist, Daniela Kovacic, was hired as project manager/ director to illustrate a new take on what Fuerte Bulnes represents. I joined the design team in late 2014 to contribute with illustrations that covered nothing but a part of the then-unfinished show, and continued working on the creation of all sorts of different objects and ideas for the show. This gave me the opportunity to work outside my usual eld and to interact with everyone related to this project: from the investors, to the suppliers to the workers who mounted the objects we had designed. The project was delivered in April 2016 and is regarded as one of the best exhibitions in the region and has become a must-visit attraction to both local and foreign visitors.